Elyse Fournier is a member of the Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory
Elyse Fournier is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist. Without any artistic training, she followed her own path, developing her skills over the years. Having a continuous need to create whatever the media available, she lets her imagination guide her as much through painting as drawing, sculpture and mixed media.
A horticulturist for more than 15 years, Elyse Fournier has always used her original artistic side in the creation of her gardens by adding mosaicultures and sculptures of driftwood, bark, moss and recycled metal. Now a full-time artist, Elyse mainly devotes her time to creating surreal, intricate and detailed acrylic paintings from a completely unique imaginary world.

Elyse Fournier has this attraction to underwater worlds and has always been intrigued by the complex forms of life living within our oceans. When painting, she lets herself become completely immersed in her ideal world, where the fauna and flora live in perfect symbiosis and cannot be disturbed or damaged by the presence of humans. Filled with incredibly detailed vivid alien vegetation and some very well hidden creatures, her paintings completely submerge the viewer in her dreamy worlds.

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