Dear beautiful bizarre friends,
The 34th issue of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, with Julie Filipenko’s beautiful and delightfully bizarre painting, “Lingering Daydream” on the cover, is on sale now! I get such playful positive vibes from this cover, I hope you do too!
It is my firm hope that the visual arts will emerge even more connected, visible, and respected for their significant contribution to society throughout the pandemic.
The last 18 months has seen the global creative community meet the new challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has created, to come together to support and uplift each other in new and exciting ways! It is my firm hope that the visual arts will emerge even more connected, visible, and respected for their significant contribution to society than ever before.

You are not alone
Creatives often tell me that being an artist is a lonely journey, however through social media, and the internet more broadly, you can now build your own communities, engage with your supporters and collectors, develop relationships with media and galleries, and find daily encouragement for your practice! Even with the algorithms making it increasingly more challenging, for the first time in the history of the arts, artists are now empowered to make their own rules, and to create and manage their own destinies.
Creatives often tell me that being an artist is a lonely journey …

Invest in yourself and your practice
To get more visibility for your practice from both galleries and media you need to make time to invest in yourself and your practice – to believe in your work and put it out there. On that note, please know that Beautiful Bizarre Magazine is your support system! The purpose of the magazine, art prize, exhibitions, and our web and socials platforms is to champion the visual arts and the individual artists who each day strive and struggle to bring their own unique vision into the world – to touch our hearts and minds, and inspire us to greater self-reflection and regard for the human condition.
To get more visibility for your practice from both galleries and media you need to make time to invest in yourself and your practice.

Join the tribe
One of the easiest ways is to hashtag your work #beautifulbizarre on Instagram. Each week we search that hashtag and on Sundays from morning to evening, we share our favourites on all of our social media platforms. We also publish eight #beautifulbizarre hashtagged artworks in the special Join the Tribe editorial of each issue of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine.
Beautiful Bizarre Magazine is your support system!
Entering the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize is another brilliant way to give your practice the visibility it deserves. Whether you win or not, your work is reviewed by myself and Directors of prestigious galleries in the United States. Each year’s entries provide me with a wonderful reservoir of artists to consider for future issues of the magazine, our exhibitions, and of course for web and social media content. It truly is an honour and a privilege to see some of the most extraordinary artwork from around the world in my role as an ongoing Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize Juror, as well as the Editor-in-Chief of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine. So mark your diary, entries for the 2022 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize will open in February next year.

All the things to come
Excitingly, when you read this, we will have already announced the Winners of this year’s Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize! These amazing artists are participating in the Beautiful Bizarre Magazine curated exhibition ‘Animalia’, which opened last weekend at Haven Gallery in Northport, New York, alongside over 80 of the world’s best representational artists. You can take a look at the entire exhibition online here.

Finally, we have amazing things planned for 2022! This includes our first Australian Museum exhibition, which will exclusively feature local artists working with 2 and 3 dimensional traditional and photographic media. Stay tuned for more information about this exciting exhibition in May next year.

Until next time, please take care of yourself and those around you, and stay safe.
Much Love xo
Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Beautiful Bizarre Magazine
Feature Image: June issue featured artist Martine Johanna