Nick Pedersen is a member of the Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory
Nick Pedersen’s work combines his own photography, digital collage, and printmaking techniques to create elaborate, photorealistic images focusing on environmental issues. A main theme in his work is “beautiful decay,” creating large-scale pieces that reveal a satirically, post-apocalyptic vision of the not-too-distant future.

Nick’s artwork has been shown in galleries across the country and internationally, including the Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, Paradigm Gallery, Antler Gallery, and UMOCA. He has published two artist books featuring his long-term personal projects Sumeru and Ultima, and many of his images have been recognized with awards from the International Photography Awards, the Fine Art Photography Awards, the Adobe Design Achievement Awards, and the Photoshop Guru Award.

As an educator he teaches workshops on photomontage and digital collage, and has lectured at Pratt Institute, NYU Polytechnic Institute, and the University of Utah. Nick has also completed artist residencies at the Banff Center in Canada, the Gullkistan Creative Residency in Iceland, the Taft-Nicholson Center in Montana, and the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art to work on his environmental projects.

Nick Pedersen’s work explores environmental issues of the Anthropocene, an age of human impact on the natural world. From climate change and more extreme weather events to loss of habitat, biodiversity, and species extinctions, our planet is quickly approaching a strange and unpredictable future.

Through his work, Nick has created a series of artistic explorations into the scientific concept of the ‘environmental uncanny’. This is a term referring to the collective denial of humanity going about business as usual in the face of these slow-moving processes and unalterable changes to the world. In response, his artwork plays off of older forms of beauty in art making, referencing sublime landscape paintings, animal studies and still life’s, fanciful wallpaper, and textiles. His images appropriate these picturesque styles and idealized nature imagery to create elaborate juxtapositions with subversive elements from modern civilization.

Nick’s projects focus on concepts like the reclamation of nature and rewilding the modern world, creating a contemplative series of narrative imagery and art installations that question the legacy modern humanity will be handing down to future generations. He portrays this as an epic struggle and in his work these forces clash in theatrical, post-apocalyptic battlegrounds.

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